





Jun 25, 2024

Jun 25, 2024

Jun 25, 2024

Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity

Mistakes don’t define you.

Mistakes are just data.

Mistakes should be used as a tool.

And successful people do just that.

Confusing mistakes as a representation of yourself is the first and biggest step to failure. Internalising lessons for growth as you’re not good enough will just put you in an endless cycle of self doubt and stagnation.

It’s hard to not take things personal. I still do sometimes. Primarily because I enjoy my craft. Your craft can be seen as an extension of yourself. In the point of view as a designer, when someone doesn’t take to my work it can hurt. Not liking something I’ve trained, experienced and put my all into for not so complimentary opinions can feel like a dagger in some cases. But, I’ve realised you can’t please everyone. You have to distance yourself from the work you provide and who you are as a person. They are two different entities and it’s okay for people not to like them.

It’s super unproductive to take things personal when things don’t go to plan. It can put you back even further or even completely in some cases, than just taking the lessons and applying them to your next steps. Plans are meant to be iterated on. The ones who are meant to do great things and reap great rewards, roll with the punches and push against the wind. 

Mistakes don’t define you.

Mistakes are just data.

Mistakes should be used as a tool.

And successful people do just that.

Confusing mistakes as a representation of yourself is the first and biggest step to failure. Internalising lessons for growth as you’re not good enough will just put you in an endless cycle of self doubt and stagnation.

It’s hard to not take things personal. I still do sometimes. Primarily because I enjoy my craft. Your craft can be seen as an extension of yourself. In the point of view as a designer, when someone doesn’t take to my work it can hurt. Not liking something I’ve trained, experienced and put my all into for not so complimentary opinions can feel like a dagger in some cases. But, I’ve realised you can’t please everyone. You have to distance yourself from the work you provide and who you are as a person. They are two different entities and it’s okay for people not to like them.

It’s super unproductive to take things personal when things don’t go to plan. It can put you back even further or even completely in some cases, than just taking the lessons and applying them to your next steps. Plans are meant to be iterated on. The ones who are meant to do great things and reap great rewards, roll with the punches and push against the wind. 

Mistakes don’t define you.

Mistakes are just data.

Mistakes should be used as a tool.

And successful people do just that.

Confusing mistakes as a representation of yourself is the first and biggest step to failure. Internalising lessons for growth as you’re not good enough will just put you in an endless cycle of self doubt and stagnation.

It’s hard to not take things personal. I still do sometimes. Primarily because I enjoy my craft. Your craft can be seen as an extension of yourself. In the point of view as a designer, when someone doesn’t take to my work it can hurt. Not liking something I’ve trained, experienced and put my all into for not so complimentary opinions can feel like a dagger in some cases. But, I’ve realised you can’t please everyone. You have to distance yourself from the work you provide and who you are as a person. They are two different entities and it’s okay for people not to like them.

It’s super unproductive to take things personal when things don’t go to plan. It can put you back even further or even completely in some cases, than just taking the lessons and applying them to your next steps. Plans are meant to be iterated on. The ones who are meant to do great things and reap great rewards, roll with the punches and push against the wind.